Something intresting about the book I am reading

To be honest I just came back from training and am so tired but, I managed myself to maintain wake. So today I told my friends that which book do they recommend me to read for a class assignment most of said "Of Mice of Men " it sounded interesting so I went to the library and check it out. About 25 minutes ago I started reading the book but, I decided to read the introduction first because I thought it might be interesting but  also learn more about the tale itself. As I was read I notice the the author was born in Salinas, California well I was raised until my freshmen year of high school that was interesting but the most interesting thing  I found in the novel was how the author uses the introduction and the philosophy to conveyed with the reader by using different types of relationships that a men can have to a friend such as trust. Also is how the author refers his real life events that happen in his life so I was getting the hook about what the story was going to be about  but I can sense the tone of the author just by read the introduction first because I that the author is feeling depressed and betrayed by somebody very close but, that my opinion I might be wrong. That all folks tomorrow am start reading the story that's all what I have read.


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